KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
IDEA Project Inclusive
“the recognition of all students’ entitlement to a learning experience that respects diversity, enables participation, removes barriers and anticipates and considers a variety of learning needs and preferences” (Gravestock, 2017).
open-minded, tolerant, broad-minded, receptive...
digital education
innovative use of digital tools and technologies during teaching and learning
the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person
Erasmus+ Project 2021-2023
builds awareness around the importance of inclusiveness in digital education
develops a quality assurance system that embeds inclusiveness in all phases of the digital pedagogy
develops practical tools that guide faculty members through the evolution of their pedagogical practice
IO1: Reference Framework
IO3: Transferability Toolkit
IO2: QA System
IO4: Resource Hub and Evaluation Tools
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Up to 7,9 million students could be at risk worldwide
issue note, 2020
61% of students report that the experience of online learning failed to match that of classroom learning
survey, 09/2020
The project's focus on inclusiveness is specific and clearly defined. It brings a multidimensional approach to a well identified problem, with outputs developed by a large competence pool of experts in digital skills, innovation and quality assurance. Progress and outcomes are measurable during the project duration.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.