The IDEA Resource Hub

The IDEA Resource Hub is now available. This interactive platform provides access to evaluation instruments that offer a 360° appraisal concerning the inclusiveness of a course. It will offer customised services depending on the profile of the visitor (faculty or student). You can start working on the Hub in this link:

Our multiplier event in Brussels

In collaboration with the Ernest Learning Lab of ULB, our team in Solvay Business School organised the final event of IDEA, in February 2023. Presented by Sandra Rothenberger and Jérôme Mallargé, the event focused on the use of digital self-training and QA resources to ensure inclusion in an online classroom. Food for thought for a…

Our multiplier event in Sofia

A very interesting session was organised by our NBU team, mid-February in Sofia. Several educators and researchers, experienced or simply interested in online education and inclusion, participated in an interactive presentation of all the IDEA results and particularly the IDEA Hub, created by the very NBU team! If you missed it, have a look at…

Our multiplier event in Poznan

Impressive participation in the IDEA event organised by team at the Poznan University of Economics And Business, in February 2023. The participants had the chance to hear the complete IDEA “journey” and have a demonstration of the IDEA Hub. Did you miss it? No problem! To enhance the inclusiveness of your online courses have a…

Our multiplier event in Montpellier

The team from the Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) organised in January 2023 the final event at a university “new” to our partnership, the University of Montpellier. Our partners described to us a very dynamic discussion on the topic of “inclusive teaching online”. Everything is online and even if you missed that event, you can…